Rewiring the Mind A deep-dive into Jean Labbé’s Bodhypnosis

Modern living conditions are often unhealthy due to environmental uncertainty and pollution, leading to stress and illness. However, cultivating a positive mindset can help cope with these challenges. Jean Labbé’s Bodhypnosis massage therapy technique, developed over 30 years, leaves patients feeling light, positive, and clear-headed. Originally recommended by an Olympic sports coach, we had the opportunity to experience this innovative technique firsthand. In just one hour of relaxation, we felt focused, relaxed, and energized – no undressing required.

After receiving this one-of-a-kind treatment, I seized the opportunity to interview the doctor regarding his career and the development of his original concept, Bodhypnosis.

Firstly, How long have you been practicing massage therapy?

I received a life-changing massage from my best friend in 1984 and started to study massage therapy the year after so I would be able to provide as many people as possible with the same soulful reconnection experience. This summer, I will start my 38th year of practice.

What is Bodhypnosis?

Bodhypnosis is a technique that quickly neutralizes the mind and induces a meditative state similar to that achieved through yoga and meditation. This technique results in the release of feel-good hormones, such as dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins, which replace stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Various techniques are used, including compressions, decompressions, frictions, vibrations, and percussions, mainly targeting the bones. People experience a sense of lightness and weightlessness, they often lose the sense of body, space, and time, resulting in a blissful moment.

What is the difference between traditional hypnosis and Bodhypnosis?

Bodhypnosis uses physical inductions instead of the visual, verbal, and auditive inductions of traditional hypnosis. There is no re-programming or suggestions given by the therapist. It is all done in silence and the soul alone decides what needs to be freed for a better life. The present moment is experienced like never before because all the senses are rekindled and awakened. I like to say “sensation is salvation” because I believe life is to be felt and not thought.

The BODHYPNOSIS technique involves the use of gentle strokes and pressure on the body. How do you know if it is working?

For More than 90% of the people, they will feel right away a silencing of the mind and a great inner peace. The stress counter is back to zero and the infinite intelligence of the body is allowed to return to the center of command. And that’s why his diaphragmatic breathing starts happening perfectly, bio-mechanically speaking. Because it is then a natural process not a mentalized one.

What are the common health issues that clients seek BODHYPNOSIS for, given its ability to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, anxiety, mood, and alleviate pain associated with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis?

People are made aware beforehand, by me or friends who referred them, that it is different from a traditional massage. A lot of people come for sleep problems, mental stress, fatigue, lack of energy, depression, confusion, and the like or muscle pain that they aren’t able to get rid of with other approaches. All kinds of muscle pains can disappear, with the energy returning. Actually, totally immersed in the present moment, the energy becomes infinite. Living the present to the fullest is the best way to care for the future.

How do you assess the needs of each individual client and create a customized treatment plan that addresses both physical and emotional issues?

We have a brief discussion beforehand to establish what the person is hoping from the session, and what are his or her objectives. I also inquire whether the person has a medical condition if he or she has had recent injuries, like sprains or fractures. Often, people consult because they have heard about the benefits of Bodhypnosis. Most people seek a reconnection to themselves, to get a more peaceful place in their life, knowing that in that state, healing happens which means muscle contractions are released, the immune system is boosted, the micro-circulation is improved, sleep is restored.

You have an enormous client base, how do you manage to be available for everyone?

I actually chose to slow down my private practice to be home more often with my family and devote more time to giving workshops and writing a book about Bodhypnosis. Since 2018, I have given more than 100 week-end workshops mainly in France but also in Guadeloupe, Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec, Morocco, Bali, and Dubai.

You receive international clients and I know that you also have an online platform for teaching your techniques. Please can you give us some information regarding this program?

During the pandemic’s first year, my companion, a professional videographer, and I created an online version of the Bodhypnosis training. The aim was to make the method accessible to people worldwide since not everyone can attend in-person training in Paris. The online training provides 65 videos, each dedicated to a specific maneuver, in addition to didactic videos for postural guidance, close-ups, and full-frame shots of the entire protocol. We have also included an mp4 recording to aid in practice once the protocol is memorized, making it feel like you are attending the live weekend training. The English version should come out soon. You can find it in French for now on our website.

I know that you are also treating Olympic athletes and their coaches, what type of treatment do you offer them?

You are referring to the other types of massage I offer. I do a very oriental Swedish massage, meaning in awareness of the energy meridians, to free the muscles along those lines, combined with deep tissue, trigger points, and hand and feet reflexology. And I systematically include 12 to 15 Bodhypnosis manœuvres to induce a state of very deep relaxation, a greater letting go for them to obtain greater benefits even from the massage.

I heard you will be traveling to the Middle East (Saudi) with your new concept,

I was invited to come to teach in Dubai but my schedule was too busy this spring. I have requests for Saudi Arabia and will return to Morocco. I am hoping to connect with integrative medical centers and hospitals to provide training for spa workers, nurses, midwives, and personal caretakers. Physical therapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists, hypnotherapists,  and yoga instructors among others would highly benefit from integrating Bodhypnosis in their practice since the method acts synergistically with all of these approaches.

Could you help me understand how I felt such a sense of tranquility during the massage, but then experienced an abrupt shift in awareness toward my environment and still maintained a peaceful state afterward?

That is precisely the Bodhypnosis magic. We say that the mind creates duality so when Bodhypnosis turns off the mind, you enter unity. You get back in touch with this sense of oneness that one feels in front of a beautiful landscape or a starry night.

Jean, we thank you very much, it was such a pleasure to discuss and experience Bodhynosis.

For further information visit:

Text by Suna Ahmed





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