Transforming Passion into a Business with Sucre de Nada

The success story of Sucre de Nada bakery commenced at Nada Kutbi’s very own kitchen in 2010. As a home-baker, Kutbi started selling desserts that she would make for her family and friends, like her signature German Chocolate Cake and Oreo Cake.

A few years later Nada opened her first location in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. A quaint boutique that represents her kitchen and home. With her warm presence at the shop and her delicate touches, Sucre de Nada has become the place to be for customers seeking iconic homemade desserts.

Nada, please tell us more about your professional background

I actually never trained professionally to be a chef. However, it has been my passion and love ever since I was young. I have always loved baking pastries and made sure I had a homemade dessert in the house for my family.

So baking is a hobby turned profession, what makes it so enjoyable?

My joy is in the actual process of it and seeing my cakes coming out of the oven, with that fresh and yummy smell!

Where did the idea of opening your very own shop, Sucre de Nada, come from?

It started off by taking desserts to my friends’ house whenever I was invited. Eventually, my best friend pushed me to start selling my cakes at home. One thing led to another and 8 years after starting my home business I opened my first shop.

Did social media help in spreading the word about your work?

100%, I would thank Instagram for all the marketing and being the driver of our business.

From your family and friends to a wider public, how challenging is it for a woman to establish her own business in Saudi Arabia?

I didn’t face any issues being a woman. I felt very supported within the community and especially by my family. The support of my husband throughout the whole process made it even easier.

And how would you describe the experience at Sucre de Nada?

I would say it’s similar to visiting my home and kitchen. It is very intimate and personable. You walk into the shop and you’ll most probably see me baking my cakes and my family members supporting me.

What are some must-have cakes on the menu?

The Mango Cheesecake, Banoffee Pie, the Trifle and the Oreo Cake.

Do you include oriental pastries in some of your recipes?

Yes, we do especially in Ramadan. Our Balah El Sham is a hit.

Clients are more and more focusing on their diets, does Sucre de Nada offer low fat, allergy-friendly deserts?

We provide premium ingredients an insure it’s fresh, free of colorants and preservatives.

Finally, what are some of your upcoming projects?

We are opening our second shop in Riyadh and hoping to expand throughout the Kingdom and internationally one day.

Text by Victor Gee

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